3D Printer Accessories: The Secret to Better, Faster, and More Efficient Printing

· Lifestyle

With the rapid advancement of technology and the ever-evolving requirements of the digital world, 3D printing has become a game-changer in various industries. From creating prototypes and models to producing end-use products, it's opened up a world of endless possibilities. But like any technology, it needs the right accessories to reach its full potential.

While you may be able to get away with using just your 3D printer for simple projects, having the right tools can take your printing experience to a whole new level. Not only will you be able to create better-quality prints, but you'll also save some precious time and effort in the long run.

What Accessories Does a 3D Printer Need?

3D printing tools and accessories

Depending on what your goals are in terms of printing and what materials you plan to use, the accessories needed may vary. However, there are a few essential 3D printing accessories that offer significant benefits, regardless of the type of project you're working on. Their universal value and undeniable impact on the overall printing process bring a much more streamlined and efficient workflow.

3D Printing Bed Adhesion Material

This is basically the glue that holds your 3D printing project in place on the build plate. Without it, your prints may become loose and shift during the printing process, resulting in a failed print. Bed adhesion materials come in different forms, such as spray, stick, or liquid, and they provide a strong bond between the print and the build plate. This is especially important when working with materials that tend to warp, like ABS or Nylon.

The key to deciding which type you actually need is to focus on the material you'll be printing with. For example, a glue stick works great for PLA due to its smooth and non-porous surface, while a spray adhesive can do wonders for more complex materials like ABS.

Filament Storage Solution

filament storage solution

Proper storage of your 3D printing filament is crucial to maintaining its quality. Moisture, dust, and other environmental factors can significantly affect the overall performance of your filament, leading to poor-quality prints. Investing in a good storage solution can save you from wasting expensive filament and ensure consistent print quality. Options range from simple vacuum-sealed bags to specialized dry boxes that control humidity levels.

The first option features a carefully engineered seal that removes the air inside and prevents moisture from getting in. The second option, however, takes things up a notch by providing a humidity-controlled environment, extending the lifespan of your filament. Both 3D printing accessories are effective and budget-friendly, so it all boils down to your personal preference.

Digital Caliper for Precision Measurements

Accurate measurements are crucial in 3D printing. A digital caliper is a handy tool that allows you to measure your prints' dimensions with precision. This helps ensure the accuracy of your designs and avoids any potential issues during the printing process. It's also useful for troubleshooting any problems related to warping or shrinkage.

When you have a digital caliper at your disposal, you can easily measure the diameter of your filament, check the thickness of your prints, or compare different parts for consistency. With just a few clicks and a clear digital display, you'll have all the information you need to perfect your print.

Filament Dryer Box

Moisture is one of the biggest enemies of 3D printing, and filament can easily absorb it from the atmosphere. This can lead to poor print quality and even damage your printer in the long run. Investing in a filament dryer box is a great way to prevent this from happening.

These boxes use heat and desiccant material to remove any moisture that may have accumulated in your filament. They can also dry out an already wet or damp base, saving you from having to throw it away. With a dryer box, your prints will have better layer adhesion and overall quality, leading to more successful projects. This is different from the storage solutions mentioned earlier, as it actively removes moisture rather than just preventing it from getting in.

Washing and Curing Machine

washing and curing machine

If you've ever used resin for 3D printing, then you know how messy and time-consuming the post-processing can be. A washing and curing machine can save you from all that hassle. These machines use ultrasonic technology to clean your prints of any excess resin and then cure them under UV light to achieve a smooth and glossy finish.

Not only does this save you time and effort, but it also ensures consistent results for every print. You can even use the curing function for other types of 3D printing materials, like UV-curable plastics or resins. It's definitely a worthy investment for those looking to streamline the whole printing process.

Carving Tools and Pliers

Making precise and deliberate edits to your prints is essential, especially when working on intricate designs. Carving tools and pliers are useful 3D printer accessories that can help you achieve this level of detail. From removing support structures to smoothing rough edges, these tools offer a level of control that is unmatched by any other method.

This includes the use of needle-nose pliers, which can be used to remove support structures without damaging the print. It's also helpful for holding small parts in place while you work on them with a carving tool. Another option is a set of sculpting tools that feature a more precise tip for intricate designs.


When it comes to fine-tuning the surface of your prints, sandpaper is a must-have tool. It can be used to smooth out rough edges, remove layer lines, and even create a polished finish. This is especially useful for prints that require post-processing or assembly.

The grit size of a particular sandpaper determines how rough or smooth the surface will become. A finer grit is better for a smoother finish, while a coarser grit can be used to remove more material and shape the print as desired. It's always good to have different grit options on hand for various types of projects.

Masking Tape

Like bed adhesion materials, masking tape also plays an important role in keeping your prints secure on the build plate. It provides a textured surface for the print to adhere to and can also help prevent warping. This is especially useful when working with materials like ABS, which tend to shrink as they cool down.

It comes in various widths and can be easily applied and removed from the build plate without leaving any residue. It's an affordable and effective solution for achieving better bed adhesion, making it a staple 3D printer accessory in many maker's toolkits.