Outdoor Upgrade: X Ways to Improve Your Patio Experience

· Home and Decor

Every patio has the potential to become your favourite outdoor space. All it takes is a little bit of accessorising and upgrading. Small transformations can go a long way. It can turn into your home office, a relaxing space or a place where you entertain your friends and family. So, if you're bored of the same surroundings, it's time for some change.

Get an Outdoor Fridge

kitchen with outdoor patio fridge

If you’re someone who likes to spend a lot of time on their patio, a refrigerator would be a great addition. It'll save you from a lot of trips into the indoor kitchen. The versatile and spacious outdoor patio fridge will keep your drinks and food cool and fresh. There are two types of fridges that can meet your needs.

The first is the freestanding one. When it comes to positioning, they can go almost anywhere. Around the patio table so you can easily fetch drinks for you and your guests, in the corner and even near the grill so you can store the meat. The second one is a built-in fridge that needs to be paired with an outdoor kitchen or just a kitchen island.

The fridge needs to be specifically made for outdoors. Indoor refrigerators can’t handle the elements well. Outdoor ones can work through high-temperature fluctuations. When it’s too hot, it can be hard for the fridge to keep the food and liquids cool. Even if the temperatures are very low, the compressor might get damaged. These fridges are much stronger and can stand up to the extremes.

They also have much better insulation properties. They have an extra layer of insulation that goes into every nook and cranny of the fridge, making it highly durable. The materials the fridge is made of are also important. One of the most popular ones is stainless steel. It's durable and rust-resistant, making it perfect to stand up to the elements.

Of course, this means the electrical components need to be well protected inside it because water and electricity don’t mix. Their wiring is a few centimetres higher and is heavily insulated so there’s no water-electricity contact. When you install it make sure nothing blocks the ventilation. And don’t let it sit in direct sunlight. It can work overtime and get damaged.

How About a Hot Tub?

Hot tubs are an amazing long-term investment. Just imagine spending some time in a relaxing hot tub after a hard day at work or a day filled with house chores. These tubs are great for both physical and mental health. They have the ability to ease tension and stress in your body by combining hot water and massaging actions.

For an even better experience play some soothing music or aromatherapy. It replenishes your energy, maintains your concentration, and eases anxiety symptoms. Hot tubs also reduce muscle tension with its massaging properties. Its soothing effect will make the muscles recover from the daily tension and stiffness.

It also helps you by improving your sleep. It relaxes the nerves, and your body and mind won’t have a hard time falling into deep sleep. Hot tubs are proven to help people with arthritis and osteoarthritis. They break down inflammation and stiffness, reduce pain and improve flexibility. Combined with your outdoor patio fridge, you’ll never want to go inside.

Maybe a Bar?

Have you ever wanted to have a drink but didn’t want to go out? Sometimes bars can be overcrowded, expensive and loud. So, investing in your own bar is not a bad idea. It can be a great DIY project. Something you can focus on during your time off. You'll feel proud once you’ve made it, and when you stock it with the drinks you love, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Having your own bar has many benefits. You can have fun on your own at home, dance, and sing and no one will know. You can decorate it however you want and have fun with it. You won’t spend money on cab rides or deal with dirty toilets and drunk people around you. Plus, you can be a host and throw Halloween, Christmas and New Year’s parties and celebrate your birthday in the comfort of your own home.

Choose from the wide variety of outdoor fridges to complement your bar and have cold drinks whenever you need them. The weather won’t be an issue because, on your patio, you’re just a few steps away from the house. Building a bar may seem like a big investment at first, but it’ll save you money in the long run.

Invest in Good Lighting

patio sitting area with good lighting

Patios aren’t made to be enjoyed only during the day. They can be a very pleasant place to stay during the night as well. You can create the right atmosphere by incorporating some nice lighting. You have plenty of options. One of them is a pendant light just above the sitting area. Depending on its size, choose a brighter or a more dimmed light.

Portable lamps are also an option. You can take them anywhere you like plus they create a warm intimate atmosphere. Floor lamps are very stylish and can work great in a modern patio design. Choose a cordless one to avoid trips and falls in the dark.

Many homeowners prefer string lights. They’re very versatile and can create a ton of moods depending on their positioning. Whatever you choose, make sure there’s enough light so there’s no accidents.

Add a Fire Element

If you want to enjoy your patio throughout the whole year and not just in the summer months, adding a fire element is a good idea. Fire pits are a good investment. You can create the ideal entertainment space by setting it up on your patio and organising the seating area around it.

The fire pit will bring people together and create an intimate, delightful atmosphere. It can be ideal for spending the night cuddled with your loved one, inviting friends for some drinks, or simply spending some time alone. You can roast some marshmallows, and drink cocoa, tea or wine covered under a soft blanket. Plus, it’s a great focal point and can increase the value of your home.